How to Extend the Life of Your Family Car
Cars are often a large investment, which is why many drivers want their vehicles to last for as long as possible. However, the working condition and the overall safety of your car become even more important when you have a family in it to protect, forcing you to pay closer attention to its condition and lifespan. Fortunately, there are a number of simple checks you can perform to ensure your vehicle is secure and reliable even as the mileage adds up. With that in mind, here are just some of the many ways you can extend the life of your family car:
Change the oil regularly

The role of oil is to cool and lubricate the tightly-packed parts of the car’s engine, which is why regular checks of this fluid are so vital. If it’s not replaced regularly, improper maintenance could lead to reduced efficiency, metal-eating sludge, and even engine failure down the road. Fortunately, simply changing your engine oil will allow you to prevent these issues from happening and insure your family car against potential engine damage. In general, it’s recommended to change your engine oil every 3,000 miles or according to your car manufacturer’s guidelines, but the oil levels and condition could be checked with a simple dipstick as well.
Check all the fluids
Apart from the engine oil, other important fluids in your car such as the brake fluid, transmission fluid, power steering fluid, and radiator coolant need periodic replacement too. Transfer case fluid and differential fluid are also important to owners of four-wheel-drive vehicles. It’s recommended to regularly check your fluid conditions and levels between services, preferably once every few weeks. This will enable you to notice any problems on time and get them fixed by a professional, such as possible leaks that could lead to serious damage if not repaired as soon as possible.
Get your car serviced

In countries such as Australia, regular vehicle checks are required by law to ensure the care is safe and ready for the road. That is why local drivers often take their vehicles to car service in Woollahra where certified professionals can perform thorough inspections of the vehicle and make any necessary repairs. Even if similar checks aren’t needed in your area, preventive maintenance is still crucial. It will allow you to ensure your car is in good working condition and give you the opportunity to repair any issues on time, thus preventing further, more serious damage in the future.
Inspect your car tyres
Across the US, on the other hand, tyre checks are also an important part of regular car inspections, and for good reason. When tyres are in great condition, their lifespan can be significantly extended, and the overall safety of the vehicle can be increased. Not to mention that it could aid in improving fuel efficiency. So, aim to check the tyre pressure and tread depth at least once a month or before going on a long journey. Aspects such as tyre alignment, balance, and valves should also be inspected when servicing your vehicle.
Try to drive mindfully

While it’s often overlooked, even the manner in which you drive could affect the life of your car. For instance, breaking and accelerating suddenly can put unnecessary strain on car components, forcing them to wear out more quickly as a result. To prevent this from happening, try to improve your driving habits. Maintain a safe distance, follow the speed limit, attempt not to lose momentum whenever possible, and aim to lighten the vehicle’s load. These simple changes will allow you to extend the life of your family car while helping you to save fuel as well.
Keep your car clean
A clean car doesn’t only look appealing; it could extend the overall lifespan of your vehicle as well. Washing your car thoroughly every couple of weeks and waxing it every few months will help to remove any debris and preserve the paint. Regular maintenance will also prevent the corrosion of the body panels by getting rid of any road salt or other elements that could lead to rust. A clean and good-looking vehicle might even retain its resale value longer than its dirtier counterparts, apart from simply being much more pleasant and enjoyable for the entire family to drive in.
If you’d like to save some money on your investment and ensure your vehicle is safe for your family, follow the essential tips mentioned above. These simple practices will allow you to extend the life of your family car and drive it until the wheels virtually roll off.