6 Benefits of IT Penetration Testing on a Regular Basis
There are many things we could say about the 21st century. Not all of them are good for humankind. However, we can’t complain a lot because we are living in the era of modern technology. People of today do not know how lucky they are. They can now communicate and connect with the entire world from the comfort of their room. Despite that, they can gather all the necessary information and improve their overall knowledge. Additionally, purchasing stuff, having more entertainment, and some other stuff are the benefits as well.
Unfortunately, we can’t say everything around the online world and modern technology is perfect. Together with the development of technology, the online world has become a popular target for many scammers and hackers. That can especially be a problem for businesses that operate online. Protecting business information and other relevant data is a challenging process. Fortunately, the solution does exist, and one of those we would like to analyze is IT penetration testing.

In short terms. A penetration test is a simulation of the cyber attack on the device you are using. That is the best possible way to check how quality the security of the system you are using is. We used the simplest way to describe what pen testing is. If you want to gather more information, we recommend you check the analysis of itglobal.com. You can also request a penetration test on the link that we attached.
The bad news here is that people are not using that opportunity at all. Even if they do, they are not going through the process of penetration testing too often. Because of that, we would like to highlight the benefits of IT penetration testing on regular basis. After reading the list we prepared for you, we are sure you will change your way of thinking. Let’s find them out and make your technology usage a lot safer.
1. Getting a Clear Picture of Real Risks
You can see entrepreneurs saying different things like “Why would someone hack me” or “The bigger companies are more attractive than my business”. We hope that these excuses are correct. However, you can’t count that way of thinking that will save your business data. Instead of that, you should use pentest and determine the real risks.
The purpose of the test is to identify all the vulnerabilities. In other words, the process allows people to see what exactly the hackers can do with their data. For instance, they can access the most sensitive information or execute the commands of your OS. Of course, it will also show you when the vulnerability is high risk in theory, but not too risky in the real world. Thanks to those pieces of information, you will make some good decisions in the future.

2. You Will See all the Weaknesses of Your System
The benefits are similar compared to the previous one, but it is essential for your security. People often do not even work on the safety of the system they are using. They believe everything is fine because it does not reduce their productiveness. However, that way of thinking is once again wrong. The reports you get will tell you with hardware and software improvements your system requires. Despite that, you will also need to determine certain policies that will raise the quality of your security. Doing that without a pentest is almost impossible. At least, you probably won’t get the necessary information.
3. Ensuring the Business’s Continuing Productivity
Entrepreneurs around the world have different goals, and they use a wide range of methods to achieve them. However, several things are common for all entrepreneurs. They want to ensure their business operations are up and running without any excuses. Because of that, they need to meet certain requirements. They need to ensure network availability, access to resources, and communications 24 hours a day. If disruption or any other issue occurs, it can have a negative impact on the productivity of your business operations.
You can often hear people in the business world saying time is money. The quote of that type is correct, and we can all agree on that. Every unexpected loss of accessibility will reduce the productivity of your operations, and allow competitors to reach the same goals quicker than you.

4. Good Preparation for Cyber Attacks
As we said, no one guarantees you will not become an attractive target for hackers. Because of that, you need to get ready when something like that unexpectedly happens. In other words, every person needs to react promptly and on time. Thanks to pentests, you will manage to see if you need to take certain actions or not. If you need to take the action, you will also find out which ones are necessary for the improvement of your cyber-defense capabilities.
5. You Will Get a Third-Party Opinion
Here comes one of the most valuable benefits of IT penetration testing. Let’s imagine that your employees discovered an issue. They will report it to you and try to improve it. However, no one guarantees they will complete the process adequately. That is the reason why you need to get a third-party opinion. An even better thing is that you will get the report from an expert. He will know how to act and react to the problem that you have.
Despite that, the third-party expert always has a massive impact on business management. You will probably divide a certain amount of money and invest it in the improvement of system security.

6. Improvement of Business Reputation
Penetration testing improves the quality of your business in different ways. It also has the power to improve the reputation of the entire company. Keep in mind that people do not want to collaborate with unsafe companies. More precisely, if you become a victim of a cyber assault, the most loyal customers will lose their trust. Getting back their trust is probably going to be the most challenging process you ever had. Because of that, there is no reason to expose yourself to that risk. Use the Itpenetration testing regularly, and ensure your continuous progress.