Exotic Pets, Raccoons


The popularity of keeping raccoons at home is rapidly increasing every year. Breeders are attracted to exotic wildlife. However, despite their pretty appearance, these charming animals cannot become completely domesticated.

Beautiful color and bright appearance do not guarantee submissive behavior and good-natured character. The neighborhood with such a roommate can be a real adventure. It is impossible to predict the further actions and whims of a raccoon.

Striped bandits will carry valuables of their owners and try to rinse them. However, this is not all the surprises that will await raccoon owners. Before you buy an animal, you need to think about whether it is worth keeping a capricious predator in your home.

First of all, it is necessary to clarify that the raccoon is a predatory creature living in the wild. This mammal belongs to the raccoon family. The body length of an adult raccoon can increase to 70 centimeters, while the tail length is 25 centimeters.

The body of the raccoon is covered with thick fluffy gray hair. A familiar black mask is visible on the muzzle. The main distinguishing feature of the raccoon is the black stripes along the entire length of the tail.

Despite the large dimensions, the weight of the animal can be 12 kilograms. Usually, females are much smaller and lighter than males.

The developed forelimbs allow the raccoon to climb to the tops of trees without much difficulty, move along branches, and hold prey firmly in its paws.

They are known to have a strong urge to rinse things. Usually, before eating, the raccoon lowers the food into the water and begins to make rinsing gestures.

Raccoon’s character can be described as a restless, playful and curious pet. At any opportunity, they will climb into your closet, chew through the wires or try to unscrew the taps. And they also like to hide things. It is better not to leave it unattended.

Care and daily routine

Source: platinumraccoonremoval.com

These pets need their own spacious corner. Ideally, give a small room or make an enclosure, for example, on a loggia or a glazed balcony. The room should be at least +18 degrees. The latch in the enclosure must be securely closed. Usually, raccoons sleep during the day, and in the evening, they begin to get active. You need to feed them three times a day: in the evening, at night (before you go to bed), and early in the morning (while your pet is still awake). Over time, raccoons get used to the routine of the owners, in the future, you will be able to transfer the animal to a convenient rhythm of life for you.

Relationships with children and other pets

Families with young children shouldn’t have a raccoon. A child can hurt an animal by pulling its tail or starting to squeeze. In response, the raccoon will start scratching and biting. Also, do not get a raccoon if rodents or birds are at home. The pet may mistake them for food. But the raccoon gets along well with dogs and cats.

Among the most important features of keeping raccoons at home, it is necessary to highlight important attributes of the comfortable living of animals in captivity. Of course, like any other pet, a raccoon must have an enclosure.

It is best to allocate a separate room or a small room for the animal, in which there should be no wires and sockets. The enclosure should contain various sports equipment in the form of ladders, hammocks, walkways, and so on.

Source; mspca.org

The animal will spend all its energy moving and playing in the enclosure. Keeping a raccoon at home is a responsible step that not everyone can decide on. Compared to the usual kittens and puppies, small raccoons are very active.

At night, the animal must be in its house. A raccoon cage can be created manually, as well as be bought in a specialized pet store. The enclosure should be designed so that the raccoon does not destroy the apartment during the absence of the owner.

Since these animals are big bullies by nature, for raccoons to arrange a pogrom is the most familiar and favorite activity. In order to keep a raccoon in an apartment, it is necessary to create the following conditions:

  1. Enclosure. Any pet should have its own corner in the house. Most experts recommend buying a spacious aviary for the animal or allocating an entire room for the raccoon.
  2. Sports equipment. During periods of lack of attention from the owner, the animals will have fun on their own with sports equipment and spend their energy on games.
  3. Litter box. In an enclosure, there should be a litter box where the pet will relieve itself.
  4. Feeders and drinkers. The owner must necessarily monitor the presence of food in the bowl of his ward and change the water daily.

Cats, dogs, and other pets should be kept as far away from raccoons as possible. When novice keepers ask if it is possible to keep a raccoon at home when there are other pets present, many experts will answer negatively. Domestic raccoons are very jealous creatures. With their sharp claws and fangs, they can injure the inhabitants of the apartment. It is very difficult for two completely different representatives of wildlife to get along in the same room.

Source: mspca.org

By nature, domestic raccoons are omnivorous creatures. They will never refuse another sweet, which the owner will share with them. However, it should not be abused in any case. The animal can gain weight very quickly, while the digestive system will suffer greatly. Any overeating can lead to negative consequences.

It is not uncommon to see a raccoon in an apartment to date. Caring for a raccoon at home requires patience and compliance with certain rules. In addition, the mammal requires increased attention.

In order to get a striped bully at home, you need to think about your purchase decision beforehand, weighing all the pros and cons of keeping an exotic animal.

Many novice keepers seek advice on the raccoon breeders’ forum, where they can read reviews about keeping raccoons in the house and learn about mammals’ characteristic features and lifestyles.

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