Quality Standards For Industrial Technology and Architectural Sheet Metal Design
Exposed metal beams provide modern architectural expression.
Walk into any number of newer cafeterias, breweries, or offices, and you’re likely to ascertain exposed structural beams. Exposed beams open up the inside of a building, creating a contemporary and industrial aesthetic. “The industrial look is trendy immediately in many commercial spaces,” notes Steve Fellmeth, senior project designer at S3 Design Inc., Braintree, Mass.
“Architecturally exposed steel can express the structural integrity of a building during a striking way and put the structural system at the aesthetic forefront,”
Sheet Metal Work and Its Types
Since the earliest times, the human being has taken the help of various materials such as stone, wood, bone, and earth to make different objects and structures. The passage of time and advancements in technologies have led to the discovery of such materials extracted from soil.
Metalworking in the world today is the process of working with such materials to create individual parts, assemblies, large scale structures, and diverse kinds of bespoke metalwork and custom metalwork of any description.
Metalworking includes the making of vessels, utensils, ceremonial and decorative objects, architectural ornamentation, weapons, etc. Sheet metal is a material shaped into thin and flat pieces, which is one of the fundamental forms used in metalworking. It can be cut and bent into a variety of different shapes and is used on an everyday basis in various objects and the construction of the material.

Metal Sheet Roofing Technology
This kind of roofing can be defined as a roofing structure that’s built with large pieces or sheets of a particular type of this material. These roofs are generally made up of copper, steel, and aluminum sheets and are known for providing a high level of protection for homes and buildings from extreme weather conditions. According to the published statistics, more than seven million homeowners replace their roofs per year due to damages, as well as the fact that they are looking for better energy-saving alternatives.
Advantages of Metal Sheet Roofing
This kind of sheet roofing is durable and long-lasting, resistant to shrinking or cracking, can withstand extreme weather conditions, and typically comes with long term warranties. Moreover, such roofs are attractive and versatile. These are available in a variety of colors, shapes, sizes, and materials, according to your one’s stylistic preferences, and can be designed to match any kind of architectural design. Such roofs are highly energy-efficient and cost-effective for their owners.
They can help homeowners save up to 40% on their utility costs. Another advantage of such sheet roofing is that they are environmentally friendly. Many of the latest models use reflective pigment technology, which improves overall energy efficiency.
It has been around for a long time and continues to be a viable roofing material all over the world. The numerous benefits associated with this type of roofing have helped contribute to its staying power, lasting for hundreds of years with no signs of it going away anytime soon.

Protecting the Steel
Typically, the steel is already specified as primed by the manufacturer before arriving on-site. During construction, the steel is scratched, etc. Proper cleaning of the steel is vital with a degreaser, then primed and painted with the specified finish for the project.
Innovative Construction Specialties
Sheet Metal excels in miscellaneous fabrication for new construction, renovation, and seismic retrofit projects. It also fabricates steel for lighter building machinery.
The company has versatile, skilled craftsmen and AWS-certified welders can shear, cut, punch, drill, cope, notch, form, roll, assemble and weld low-carbon steel, chrome steel, and aluminum structures and components to your specifications.
Sheet Metal’s full range of custom work for residential, commercial, institutional, and industrial construction includes original features such as:
- channels
- angles
- U edges
- Z bars
- ladders & stairs
- platforms
- frames
- handrails & guardrails
- trash enclosures
- brackets
- concrete embeds
- art components
- base plates
- architectural designs & light pendants
- connection plates
- free-standing information/emergency pedestals
- beams
- map cases
- columns
- bracing
- Eye-catching, finely formed steel can be seen throughout California as well as in other states:
- residential, commercial & industrial buildings
- rail-transit systems
- architectural station furnishings
- transit stations
- highways
- public art & facilities
- bridges
- water-treatment plants
- parks & recreation
- state & local agencies
- California Department of Transportation
- Caltrans Projects

Sheet Metal’s company is a skilled, well-equipped, and reputable resource for Caltrans projects. If you’re a general contractor bidding on a Caltrans job, it will provide you with furnish-only estimates for the following items:
- soffit access covers
- maintenance hole covers
- access doors
- joint seal assemblies
- fence plates
- barrier mounted sign
- pipe pins
- catwalks
- soundwall access gate
- approach slab tie rods
- approach slab angles
- ladders & rungs
- Austin vault
- outlet risers
- catch-basin faceplates
- custom grates
- ISO casing covers

Sheet metal’s companies provide full service die caster in Commerce, offering much more than die casting. It can also provide tool and die making, machining, and more. Their low pricing on die casting molds and die-cast parts, extensive experience in die casting, and vast in-house capabilities have allowed us to beat the competition, domestic or overseas, for over 13 years.
In California, Sheet Metal company is a manufacturer and distributor of such products for the construction industry. The Corporate Office and Southern California industrial facility are located near five major freeways in our Northern California outlet in San Leandro.
The complete line includes roof flashings, edgings, vents, HVAC, metal items for plaster, and rain goods made to order, whether the necessity is for large production runs or little quantity of specialty items.
Offer a good range of services: delivery/shipping direct to the customer, review of designs, consultation, and guidance toward profitable choices on custom or specified jobs.
The top-quality products are available in typical gauges of galvanized, stainless, painted steel, galvalume, copper, aluminum, lead, and zink.
Replacing a 1950s-era garage that was believed unfit for current use, the Center Street Parking Garage in Berkeley, California, is a striking – and award-winning – contribution to the heart of Berkley’s Arts District. Visit here for more details.
The winner of a 2019 Metal Architecture Design Award, is convenient to downtown businesses, theaters, and the Civic Center. The garage also has ground-level retail, an art gallery and sidewalk café, and incorporates public art into its design.