8 Common Repairs And Septic Tank Maintenance Tips For Beginners
It is common for houses and other facilities in areas without a connection to the public sewage system to use some other alternative. In most cases, that is a private septic tank. There are both benefits and downsides when compared to the public system. The benefit is that you are using your septic tank. Therefore, you can take care of it, and prevent issues or deal with them at the right moment.
On the other hand, it can be challenging, and the public system is more convenient because of that. Paying more attention to proper maintenance is the right approach and the only way to prevent bigger problems. The way to deal with Septic Tank Repairs is to hire professionals in this area.
Moreover, if you are not familiar with the main features of this system, we suggest you learn at least the basics of it. The basic things are related to monitoring of the system and the ability to notice problems on time. Here are the most common types of repairs and maintenance that beginners should know.
1. Monitor the Mail Elements
The best way to prevent bigger problems is to pay attention to the system and check the main functions from time to time. There are different types of issues that might occur, and there might not be any signs for that before it is too late.
For example, if the system is clogged, and you are not checking the drainage and other parts, the moment when you realize will be when the water and dirt are getting out of the septic tank, and that will lead to various issues with the smell, dirt, health issues, and more. It is especially important to pay more attention if you have a septic tank in the backyard, where your kids and pets could get in touch with it.
Therefore, the best solution is to determine the frequency of monitoring, and never wait for issues to appear before you start to take care of this system. Also, keep in mind that some elements have their expiry date. For instance, you will have to change the filter at least once a year. The same is for pressure systems and parts like irrigation, membrane, and more.
2. Pay Attention to the Capacity

Depending on the size of the tank and the number of people and houses connected to it, the time needed for emptying can be less than a year, but it can also last for over 5 years. Therefore, it is crucial to be aware of the requirements and size so you can determine the right time for calling the service to empty the tank.
3. Don’t Forget About Safety
Technical features are not the only important thing to look for when you are checking the tank. As we already mentioned, having kids and pets around it can lead to various issues. First of all, it is not a healthy environment. Therefore, be sure that the tank is always sealed in the right way, and that there is no way for any materials to get out of it.
4. Create a Separate Drainage System

If you decide to create the same tank for both drainage and system in your home, it might sound as a convenient solution that will collect the rain water as well. However, the problem is that it will only lead to faster filling of the tank, and you will have increased expenses related to pumping.
Rain water is not harmful, and there is no reason to install a drainage linked to the tank. Also, be sure that the drainage is not getting into any contact with the sewer since it might lead to clogging due to increased deposits of dirt.
5. Consider Adding some Additives
The great thing is that some companies managed to develop a complex combination of bacteria that can be used to prolong the time needed to pump the tank. The additive that you can add to the tank will break down various materials and lead to faster decomposing, which means that the tank will have a much higher capacity.
6. Don’ Waste Water and Food

If you are using a lot of water at home, it will lead to faster filling. The same is when you are throwing a lot of garbage in your disposal system. Therefore, introducing some limits that will prevent you from wasting food and water will also provide benefits of the septic tank, that will need more time to fill, and it will be easier to deal with the maintenance.
7. Find the Right Service
If you are a beginner without any experience in this area, there is no way for you to deal with some basic repairs. While there are many tutorials and clear manuals about simple processes, it is always a much better solution to contact an expert. It might be more expensive, but you won’t risk getting into bigger problems.
8. Avoid Throwing Some Things in the Toilet and Disposal

If you are throwing a lot of waste in the toilet, like papers, cardboard, and plastic, you are risking clogging and many other issues. The same is for garbage disposal. If you have more trash to deal with, the best solution is to store it in a determined place outside of your laws instead of putting everything into the tank.
Last Words
Proper maintenance is crucial since that is the only way to keep the tank in good condition. Also, not paying enough attention might lead to some serious issues and challenging repairs that could even force you to move from the house for some time. That is the case where the tank requires a complete replacement of pipelines in case of clogging.
Therefore, introduce some limits and rules when it comes to throwing things in the toilet and disposal, and be sure to maintain the essential parts. Everything will be much easier when you simply check the levels of the tank from time to time, and inspect the condition of main elements.