10 Effective Ways to Work with Remote Project Teams


It has been many years for project management in this field. As the year passed, there have been many evolutions in engaging the teams and calling out the accountabilities. But, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, nothing has remained the same.

Everything has been immediate and swept out the evolution of remote work in the coronavirus phase. Due to the phase of sweeping out, almost all the companies in the world have tried to have the work from home if possible.

Now, to settle down with the reality, here, we have many effective ways that would help project management to work with remote project teams worthwhile isn’t it to Know More!

During this crisis phase, it has become very necessary for companies and organizations to work with patience and ineffective manner. They have to ensure the continuity of work, maintain the team communication, make the group decisions, boost the morale of the team and minimize the challenges.

By doing some of these crucial roles, they would be able to check the capabilities of managers in the team management project. This will lead to some misfunctions as the employees, project management, team managers, who are working in the office has to work now from home due to the new reality of the global crisis.

1. Using Technology as an Advantage

Source: Mobile Marketing Watch

The first point to make sure while implementing remote work is that your team should be equipped with the basic requirements of the technology. They should have enough of data connectivity, high-speed internet, mobile devices, laptops, and more.

If you are a project manager, your task is different among all. You have to be in continuous communication with your team members so that they can be on the proper path of the project. The management tools like Microsoft teams should be made in use because it is well-suited for team communication and collaboration.

2. Team Understanding

Source: Project Engineer

To have the complete information of the team members of the team is very necessary for the project manager. This is important because it will help the project manager to share the responsibilities of each to the senior team members.

The understanding could be made successful with the use of some of the advantages of the latest technology invented. They can do conference calls, video conferencing, and many other modes of interactive communication.

This managing of the team is very well done by the project manager as they have learned this all in their PMP or PRINCE2 project management course. These would lead to the basic as well as major understanding between the employee and client also.

3. Assigning Roles and Responsibilities to Team Members

Source: Training Industry

The team members must be aware of their goals and objectives even if the team members and the project managers are away in a distant location. The manager should create the document stating the goals and objectives to ensure that the assigned work project falls into the right place.

The manager should always assign the task according to the capability by making sure that every member is assigned with different tasks. PMP has the full guidance of assigning the roles to team members.

The task assigned should be error-free and one should have the potential to complete the task by having full concentration. This is necessary for the manager to keep in mind for the success of the project.

4. Management of Expectations

Source: IdeaScale

There should be a crystal-clear view of the project among the team members and according to that everyone should know the realistic expectations. Simply, expectation includes the deadlines, proper deliveries, and scope of the projects.

By helping your team member, they can intend to make success. These can be possible through the use of remote work.

5. Communication Mechanism

Source: Cicerchi Consulting

One of the most crucial roles is communication. It becomes very important for project managers mostly when they are managing the teams through remote locations. Even when there is any error or misguide during the smooth and easy-going of the project, communication is the first key step to success.

In the emergency, the internet is the major thing that would help the team to communicate through video calls or by sending mails.

6. Tracking of the Project Work

Source: Strategic and Heuristic IT Management

When controlling the team with Remote work, it is very important to keep track of the project. The project manager has to record all the details and changes made during the ongoing project.

Sometimes, the change request in the project might be sent by the client and it becomes necessary for the manager to work according to it by making certain alterations in the project plans.

7. Monitorization of Team Members

Source: EmpMonitor

By hosting a webinar, the manager can easily keep all the updates of the team from a remote location. The online training should be made available in certain situations as per demands.

By doing this, the team will have a clear understanding of the project and will work for the better delivery of the project. Proper monitoring of the project is necessary for the success of the project.

8. Schedule of Weekly Team Meets

Source: Forbes

The meetings could be possible from the remote work of the project in the right direction. For this, making a schedule is necessary. Team meetings should be scheduled every week through a video call or conference call to make use of a checklist and to-do-list. Make sure that the main points are ensured in the meeting.

9. Remain Flexible

Source: LinkedIn

When uncertainties arise in the project, it becomes necessary for the team members to remain calm and concentrate on the project. When an error occurs, instead of making pressure on your team, tell them to relax and do their job according to their convenience.

These would surely ensure to have productivity without getting yourself to pay extra tax to your team members. PRINCE2 gives all the training throughout its course.

10. Trust your Team Members

Source: wiseGEEK

Many managers have a belief that the project gets hindered while on remote working instead of being in the office. However, it is very important to trust your team members by encouraging and trusting them in their assigned work.

To ensure the progress and productivity of the project one must stay in contact with them through calls, text messages, or emails.

Hence, team management can be in a different scenario during the remote work phase. But, how the project managers manage it even on an online platform is very important.

And thus, for that here, we have discussed 10 effective ways to work with remote project teams that would surely help you to lead your project successfully at any cost.