6 Reasons Why Pre-shipment Inspection is Essential for eCommerce Businesses
E-commerce is changing the international trade environment, including cross-border flows of goods. Traditional shopping and the exchange of goods have been largely replaced by online commerce. With reason, of course.
Modern technology is evolving every day. Only a few decades ago, telephones did not exist, people communicated remotely by letters. By inventing the landline phone, they were convinced that they had reached the pinnacle of technology when it came to long-distance communication. However, the advent of mobile phones has refuted this theory. Years later, smartphones that are real small laptops are coming to us. What does all this have to do with e-commerce?
We live in an age of fast internet, frequent daily development of technology, where more and more transactions from paper and tangible form are being transformed into computer networks. Queues have been replaced for the most part by online stores, and the customer is allowed to pay bills through various applications.
E-commerce is developing rapidly and there is a possibility that it can significantly affect not only the way of doing business but also the lifestyle and society in general. The hectic lifestyle has led to consumers having less and less time to do physical shopping and more and more turning to online shopping. The Internet and online shopping have become part of everyday life. This type of purchase saves a lot of time. We mentioned smartphones as an important factor when it comes to this type of trade. The combination of e-commerce and quality mobile applications, along with quality media advertising, are the best sellers a company can have. Mobile phones give us easy access to applications and sites that sell the goods and services we need. So, sit in your favorite armchair, enjoy, and shop! In just a day or two (sometimes a little longer) a delivery person will knock on your door with the ordered shipment. Isn’t this easier than touring half the city looking for something?
Many customers are afraid to shop online because they doubt the quality of the product. This is not so pronounced when it comes to clothes or some smaller products, but when it comes to buying larger items such as furniture, appliances, etc., it is very important to check the quality of goods in all possible ways. You will learn more about this if you visit maplesourcing.com.
E-commerce offers a variety of opportunities for growth and expansion, and the benefits are numerous (business costs are lower, and a market with more than 500 million consumers is available). Just as it benefits consumers because they don’t have to move to make purchases, online shopping also benefits sellers because they are spared paying rent, space bills, and other similar obligations. It could be said that this is a win-win situation for both sides. By definition, e-commerce means ordering, paying for, and delivering (intangible) goods over the Internet (online). E-commerce is therefore based on the development of technology that has enabled distance sales, without a physical visit to the customer’s store or warehouse as physical business units.
Unfortunately, we can’t say that everyone is satisfied with what arrives at their address, and if you are in the business, read this below why it is necessary to double-check the shipment before packing it.

1. Possible damage
Additional inspection of the goods before packing is necessary to make sure that you send the correct goods to the customer. This way, your store will receive positive feedback from the customer, and you are on your way to gaining another regular customer.
2. Avoiding additional costs
When we say additional costs, we mean returning damage to goods and resending the correct item. But how damaged if you checked it out? Unfortunately, goods can be damaged during transport, and often during the opening. In such situations, many customers resort to a solution in their favor – advertising the defective product and demanding to send another, correct. In addition to sending an additional item that you will not charge, you are also expected to bear the shipping costs. So, double-checking is very necessary!

3. Proper packing of the shipment
The use of already used boxes is allowed only exceptionally. When already used boxes are used, they must be in good condition, must not be crushed, deformed, torn or have pre-affixed receipt numbers on them. The choice of box or outer packaging depends on the material, strength, and size of the product to be shipped.
4. Package weight measurement
Once you have packed the shipment, measure the weight so you can tell the customer how much postage is expected. Of course, post workers will certainly do that, but it’s not bad for you to do it, just to be sure. Who knows, maybe the shipment will cost more than the product itself?

5. The right to change your mind
The withdrawal period starts from the moment the consumer picks up the goods, not from the moment of purchase. Traders bear the risk of any damage to the goods during transport until the consumer picks up the goods, and traders bear the cost of returning the goods, except when they have clearly informed the consumer in advance that the cost of returning the goods is paid by him.
6. Package addressing
The consignment should have the address of the consignee printed in accordance with the general conditions. In order for a package to meet the conditions for receipt, in addition to packaging and address, it must be within the permitted dimensions and weights prescribed in the general conditions. The service provider has the right to refuse to pick up the package if it considers that the shipment is not packed in the manner prescribed by these instructions.

Doing business online is increasingly becoming an indispensable marketing strategy for both large and small companies. Online shopping for an individual means availability at any time of the day, access to all possible information, the ability to compare the price of goods or services he wants to buy. Products that can be purchased through e-commerce are generally cheaper due to the reduction in all the costs involved in delivering goods to physical stores. For an Internet reseller, the most important thing is that customers are satisfied with the service. Customer satisfaction is achieved by companies with a wide range of offers, low prices, reliability of delivery, security in the purchase itself.