What Are the Main Things That You Must Consider Before Installing the Solar Panel System?
Solar panels, also known as photovoltaic panels, consist of cells that convert sunlight into energy. The quantity of power generated is determined, among other things, by the intensity of incoming light, which changes with the time of day and season. A solar panel will thus produce more energy on a clear winter day than it would on an overcast winter day.
When we talk about photovoltaic solar panel efficiency, we’re referring to the ratio and percentage of solar energy that reaches the panel’s surface and gets converted into electrical energy for our use. That is, the number of Watts/hour per m2 generated by your solar panel.
The higher the photovoltaic panel’s efficiency, the more Watts per square meter your photovoltaic system will create, and the smaller the photovoltaic solar panel will be for the same amount of energy output.

Solar panels have a normal service life of at least 25 years, even when exposed to the elements on the roof. The efficiency loss in the conversion of light to energy is modest, and the major manufacturers promise 80 percent generation at the conclusion of the time.
In other words, a module will create at least 80% of the energy it generated in the first year of its life up to the 25th year of its life. The other important piece of equipment in the system is the solar inverter, which has a 15-year minimum usable life. Its potential is considerably higher if it receives the proper upkeep.
However, don’t expect regular maintenance. Photovoltaic systems require extremely minimal maintenance, even when they are working 24 hours a day. Cleaning the modules is the most important and something that the consumer can accomplish.
However, this is only true if they are really unclean, which is rare, as they feature a non-stick coating that prevents dirt from adhering to them. Dust is carried away by precipitation. Cleaning pollutants or bird droppings, on the other hand, is simple and involves simply a broom with soft bristles and a jet of water.
Types of Solar Panels available in India for Residential Solar

Photovoltaic panels come in a variety of styles.
- Larger crystals and noble components such as diamonds are found in them.
- The ones with the best energy efficiency (yield) coefficients are these.
- They do, however, have the greatest production expenses, which will appear in the ultimate pricing.
- Smaller crystals and less noble ingredients, such as copper and iron, characterize them.
- They have a somewhat lower yield than monocrystalline ones, but because of the reduced cost of manufacture, they are becoming increasingly common.
- They feature two sides of cells that may produce electricity, as the name indicates.
- The upper face of the panel faces straight into the sun, while the bottom face is designed to take use of indirect radiation reflected from the region where it is mounted.
How to Purchase?

If you think about How to buy Solar panel then Loom Solar is the simplest and safest option to get solar panels for your home. When you pick this option, the company is responsible for all stages, processes, and documents required for the installation of your project.