Why Are Smart Pools Becoming So Popular in 2024


If you plan or getting a new pool or if you already have one in your backyard, then you probably know how many features are available for the users. Starting from the cleaning process up to lighting and decorations, the sky is the limit to the things you can add. This allows users to spend less time worrying about cleaning their pools and more time enjoying their time in the sun. Lately, the smart pools are becoming so popular and people are asking why that is.

If you have the means to invest in a pool for your home, then you should definitely do it. It will save you money since you don’t have to pay any fees or pay for the transport to the public pool, you will also work out by swimming and you will be able to socialize more. When deciding on the features of the new pool, you need to think about the building material, shape, size, decorations, overall cost and so on. Now, there are things you can add and use that will make your unit smart and that will save you time and money on maintenance. Experts say that smart pools are cheaper and that it is better to invest in a unit like this, instead of getting the traditional one.

Here we are going to tell you more about smart pools, what makes them smart and if they are the right choice for you.

Source: Crystal Falls Pools


Let’s start with all the options you’d have if you install a smart unit in your home. Most of these features and devices can be controlled with your smartphone or tablet, so you won’t have to worry about getting up, turning things on or off or just checking if they are working properly.

Smart Lights

The first thing we are going to talk about are the lights. We are all aware that there are more than a few nights when you get to bed and you realize that you’ve forgotten to turn the pool lights on or off. The same thing goes when you are leaving for work or for vacation. With smart lights, you won’t have to drive back or get up. You only need your phone to regulate the lighting. This feature is relatively inexpensive, so you should look into it.

Source: Keelcrab

Smart Cleaning

One of the things people hate doing is cleaning the pool. You always postpone that and you tend to forget to clean it, change the filters, clean the filters, clean the leaves and so on. It’s just a time-consuming task and you’d rather not use the pool, than clean it. Well, you can forget about all that now. With the smart features, you can schedule weekly maintenance and daily cleaning. You won’t have to rush to check the filters after a storm and you don’t have to worry about checking the chlorine levels. If you want to know more about smart cleaning and how everything works, you can click here. With the smart features, the only thing you will need to do is check your phone and see the notifications. The cleaning is one of the main reasons why people choose smart features and once you choose this option, you will realize you have much more time to enjoy in the sun and just forget about chores and tasks.

Smart Heating

This feature is amazing for all the people who like to take a swim no matter the season. Have you ever wanted to go for a swim in the early spring or late fall? If the answer is yes, then you already know how cold the water can be. That ruins your whole mood and you may even catch a cold. To avoid that and to make your whole experience a lot better, you need a smart heating system.

This way you will be able to swim whenever you want, and the difference is that you won’t have to get up, turn the heating on and just wait for the water to become warm enough. You can turn it on while you are still at work and when you get home, you will have a nice, warm pool that just waits for you to jump in it.

Source: R&R Pools

Smart pump

The pump is the one that filters the water and moves it around in the pool. Many traditional pumps need to be operated manually and because of that, owners forget to do it, or just postpone it. If the water is not moving around, it gathers bacteria and your pool may end up looking like a swamp.

To save yourself valuable time and to make sure that the water is not gathering bacteria, you should invest in a smart pump. The water will stay clean even when you are on vacation or when you are busy. Once again, you will just need to adjust the settings on your smart device and the pump will operate without you having to get up and operate it on your own.


When it comes to these smart units and features many people think that they are going to lose a lot of money if they install the features. The truth is, there are so many things that you will gain. First of all, smart pools will save you a lot of time. All of the time you were spending cleaning them or checking the filters, the chlorine levels, and the water quality, now you can spend relaxing and enjoying the sun. Plus, you won’t argue with your family who’s turn is it to clean the pool now.

Another huge advantage is that all of the features are really easy to operate. You don’t need a special set of skills, the only thing you need is a smartphone. All of the applications are simple to understand and use, so, no matter how old you are, you won’t have to spend hours and days learning how everything works.

If you want to save money and increase the value of your home, then you should definitely choose the smart features. Many people think that they will have to spend a fortune to have at least one feature in their pool, but the truth is, they are used everywhere, available everywhere and there are so many different manufacturers. Because of that, the price for most of these things is really affordable and when you calculate the maintenance costs, you will realize you are actually saving money. Plus, if you decide to sell your home, the smart pool will increase the value of it and chances are, your home will get sold a lot faster because of it.

As you can see, there are a lot of reasons why you should update your swimming pool. It will save you time, money and you won’t have to worry about the small details. Just sit back, relax and let the technology do all the hard work for you.