3 Reasons Why AI In Healthcare is Here to Stay – 2024 Guide

Health, Industry

If there is an invention in the 21st century so significant and important that it can change our entire way of life, it’s AI. AI has always been in talks in various news and communities where they discuss its impact and its benefits. Many industries have already started adopting AI in their production lines and service process to cut down on labor costs and benefit from the efficiency of AI and machines. And the healthcare industry hasn’t been far behind.

According to healthcareweekly.com, AI has the chance to impact billions of lives once it gets more developed and accepted. Every industry that has tried their hands on AI to ease their process, has always ended up liking it and made it into an integral part of their function. The most primary example would be the manufacturing industry but other industries have started using AI too.

One of the budding sectors for AI is the healthcare industry. While many people in the healthcare industry still shy away from using AI for their purposes, many doctors and health professionals have proven the immense advantage of doing so. AI in healthcare has been doing amazing things, especially during the pandemic where the need for AI is even more pronounced than before.

AI can be programmed to cater to our precise needs and the more we use it, the more it learns. This means that today’s software we use as an option can very well be tomorrow’s future. In this article, we’ll be talking about why AI in Healthcare is so important and why it’s here to stay.

1. AI is essential to combat the pandemic and fulfill the human shortage

img source: bmj.com

The recent pandemic proved to us how feeble and lacking our healthcare infrastructure actually is. As the numbers of corona patients kept piling up, heavily affected hospitals found themselves in a severe lack of testing capacity. This is where AI stepped up and used triaging techniques from chest x-rays. While this wasn’t a perfect method for testing, it sure was a reliable and necessary one.

By triaging, the AI determined the probability of the individual having the Coronavirus by scanning the x-ray religiously. This helped a lot of patients scan for the illness much faster than the traditional methods. According to tech professionals, the AI is immensely accurate too – it matched the same inspection levels as a professional radiologist.

If hospitals had stuck to the traditional method of scanning patients one at a time and having a doctor check them later, it would’ve been time-consuming. AI has proven to be one of the saviors in the pandemic and it has served to cover the medical-professionals shortage that many hospitals faced during this time.

That’s why more and more hospitals have started integrating AI into their healthcare process to fight the coronavirus with better efficiency. AI has not only become an essential part of healthcare facilities and hospitals, but it has also proven its advantages over older methods. This makes it one of the best choices for the upcoming future of the healthcare and medical industries. That’s why, since its advent a few years ago, AI has only enhanced itself and is here to stay.

2. Using AI-based techniques is much more affordable and time-efficient

img source: einfochips.com

AI techniques are not only accurate but they also save tons of money and time in the long run. Catering to the needs of an entire population is not feasible for healthcare facilities. That is why AI comes very handy in these scenarios by providing facilities to radiologists, specialists, and even pharmacists in distributing medicines. This not only saves time for both parties but also minimizes unnecessary costs that they could have incurred.

AI has been effectively used by radiology specialists to check the information and analyze the medical scans that come through to them daily. By having AI do it for them they can issue it to their doctor at a much faster rate and streamline the whole process. Pharmacists can also benefit from AI because of its ability to give the most precise medicines to the right clients after diagnosing them.

There are still various AIs that are being released today so that they can fulfill more and more purposes for the healthcare sector in minimal budget and costs. One of the shining examples is the recently developed ‘genomic intelligence’. This AI has revolutionized the studying and analysis of genomic data. With human capabilities, this requires hours to do and professional training backing it. Even then the results aren’t guaranteed to be 100% accurate.

AI comes the closest to achieving the 100% mark simply because it’s artificial and much more precise than we humans could ever be. With AI in our lives, we are only going down a fruitful path.

3. AI can predict your health condition even before it occurs

img source: softwaretestingnews.co.uk

Among the newest addition to the AI’s capabilities is the ability to predict health conditions based on data even before they occur. There are some AIs that skim through the various data files of pre-existing patient data and predict future conditions. For example, if the AI detects high cholesterol on the data of a patient, it can notify them to be aware of heart diseases.

This is excellent for warning people who may be at risk of a major health condition. Doctors are humans like us too and so it may have happened that they missed a crucial detail or two about their patients that later on becomes something serious. However, these details are not missed by an AI who is practiced in precision. Thus, where a healthcare professional might lack, an AI can come in very handy.

There are various AI companies that offer to keep a health check on you regularly to ensure your continued well-being. At the slightest of disturbance, they act quickly to ensure that you are alright and safe. You can rely on AI as a means of safety and healthiness, and it can return you value in multiples.


There are many reasons why AI is important and in the coming years, we can see it becoming one of the greatest factors in the healthcare industry. We hope this article was informative for you and if it was, please follow our website for regular updates as it will help us immensely.