4 Ways to Get Free Bitcoins Without Mining in 2024
When you think about Bitcoins, the first thing that may come to your mind is mining through the blockchain network, and getting them as a reward for your dedication and solving complex cryptographic tasks. People who are interested in the crypto industry also know they can get Bitcoins in many other ways because mining is a task that requires powerful computers, stable Internet connection, and also a huge amount of electricity. Not all people, especially the beginners and amateurs are able to invest in that equipment, so they decide to earn crypto coins using other sources, like exchanging platforms, getting paid in cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin tips, or making them a regular income.
Even though the title says “free”, you must know that nothing is free in this world, even those things that seem like that. So, the meaning of the phrase in the topic is finding ways of earning digital coins without having to invest a large amount of money for the equipment we mentioned in the first paragraph, so you can later mine them.
If you thought that blockchain is the only way to earn crypto coins, we are glad to inform you that’s one of the many ways to do that. This list will help you understand better how the Bitcoins work and how you can obtain them legally, with investing no or very little money:
1. Trade with cryptocurrencies

Trading is one of the widely accepted ways of earning crypto money. You only need to find a trustworthy platform and create an account. You can recognize these websites by their transparent and simple design, no popups and weird ads, and no offer for extremely good deals, like no deposit, or just $1 deposit. When you are a newbie in the crypto market, you should be very careful, and do everything that you need to do, so you can protect yourself from scams.
Most of the legitimate trading sites will ask you for at least a $100 deposit. You may now ask yourself how is this a free option, but this deposit will let you buy and sell Bitcoins when their rates are good. Deposits are normal and expected because the platform providers also need to protect themselves from the people who are only willing to cause harm.
2. Play games for BTC rewards

It may be complicated to find them, but if you connect to the right people, they will be more than glad to share some profitable games, where you can get rewarded in crypto coins. After you receive your reward, you can keep the Bitcoins in your digital wallet, and then use them the way you want.
But, be careful and lower your expectations, because no one is giving high prizes in cryptocurrencies since they have higher rates compared to the fiat money.
Also, if you play games of luck or gambling games, you can earn some free coins, but this option is a combination of two pretty risky actions, and if it’s not monitored, we recommend you avoid it. On the other hand, the existence of the BTC Casino games only proves that someone somewhere is successfully earning cryptocurrencies by playing online casinos.
3. Getting paid with cryptocurrencies

If you work remotely or you are a freelancer, you can add a note in your portfolio that you are accepting Bitcoins or some altcoin as a payment method. Many clients are willing to pay the services with cryptocurrencies, and if you want it too, they will easily find you, so you can sign a contract. But, keep in mind that if you are talking about fixed prices in cryptos when you convert them into fiat money, you will get different rates, that may be very good, but also pretty disappointing if you choose a bad timing.
But, if you are sure that you want to get paid in Bitcoins, you can expect that as you finish your tasks, you will get a nice pile of crypto coins in your e-wallet, that will be waiting for you to exchange them for high rates.
You can also get Bitcoins by completing surveys or clicking ads from a list of provided websites. Again, you can’t expect that you will earn a huge amount of Bitcoins, but sure it will be worth the effort.
If you sign a good contract, you can also ask your employer or client to let you be paid in cryptocurrencies, if possible. Many companies don’t offer this option, even when they really can because most of the people are skeptical about this type of money. But, don’t be afraid to offer that option, if crypto money is regulated in your country.
4. Sell your goods online for Bitcoins

If you are a talented person and you have something to offer, think about putting crypto prices on your goods. You will be surprised how many people will choose to pay you in crypto money instead of regular money. You may now ask yourself why would they do that? The answer is simple. Bitcoins are decentralized and independent, and every transaction is safe, encrypted, and transparent. You only need to have a receiving account, so they can send you the money. Again, this is not a completely free option, but sure it is worth trying.
It’s only a question of time when the cryptocurrencies will become a widely accepted payment method. People should finally accept and adopt their existence, so they can learn how this finance system works and why it’s so popular. Also, the good thing is that many companies decide to accept and embrace the usage of crypto money, so they can offer working contracts that include BTC salary. It is also understandable why are people afraid of everything they can’t physically own or hold in their hands. We see how some of them still use cash because they don’t trust paying cards. After you get your free coins, you can use them in every way possible. For more information about trading with crypto coins visit https://bitcoin-fortress.com.